31 Mar

Nova Flow OS 1.2 has been released, with the new KDE Plasma 6 and applications based on the MauiKit UI Framework. MauiKit is KDE's cutting-edge technology for the development of interfaces based on Qt/QML.

  • KDE Plasma 6.0 now uses a floating panel by default. This un-floats when an app window is maximised or touching it.
  • With the release of Plasma 6, Wayland is now used by default, providing smooth animations to MauiKit applications.
  • Breeze theme for legacy applications based on Qt Widgets has been redesigned with a more modern look, without frames.
  • Plasma 6 is a lot faster while also using fewer CPU resources. More than 200% faster to search through recent documents. Up to 60% faster to search for an application. Up to 30% less CPU cycles.

Plasma Mobile

Plasma shell for tablet/mobile devices is available in Nova Flow OS from login screen (SDDM).

KDE community added a welcome screen on first startup, which will guide you through configuring Wi-Fi, time zone, device scaling, and mobile connection settings. The default home screen allows you to organize your favorite apps in a grid and group them.

Release announcement


Calamares installer has been updated for compatibility with Plasma 6 and Day/Night plasmoid has been replaced by Swap Color, based on Qt6/KF6.

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