25 Dec

Nova Flow OS Build 62.14 has been released, featuring the beautiful KDE Plasma along with the MauiKit suite.


* Added Radio page to Nova Chic
* Documentation for MauiKit application development:

Controls: ApplicationWindow, SettingsDialog, InfoDialog, InputDialog, PopupPage, SideBarView, TabView, AppViews, SplitView, TabBar, ToolBar, SelectionBar, GridBrowser, ListBrowser, ListItemTemplate, SwipeBrowserDelegate, GalleryRollItem, CollageItem, ToolButtonMenu, MenuItemActionRow, ToolActions, Page, FileDialog, Badge, Holder, FloatingButton, Chip, ColorsRow, CloseButton, IconItem, Notify, ShadowedRectangle, SearchField, Flow, Qt Quick Controls

Utils: documentation to get started (13 pages)

Link: https://hopeandtruth.gitbook.io/kirigami/mauikit

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